Thank You

For your interest with the re-building of the "Tamarack" .
The Great Lakes Division Sea Cadet program provides real life experience in maritime and underwater exploration and training.

If you would like to help with restoration efforts, please send tax deductible donations to:

Noble Odyssy Foundation
9000 Gale Rd.
White Lake, Mi. 48386

Please tag your donation " Tamarack Project"
visit us at

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Work begins on the Cabin interior

My son Jon came home for a week between semesters and we began the cabin interior construction.  Following pictures of the original cabin we reconstructed the starboard and port births in the aft of the main cabin.
Above is the starboard bench framed in using 1/2" birch plywood and cedar support stringers.

Each bench contains the fresh water tanks. The tanks are custom built using stainless steel.
Son Jon looking proud of his accomplishments.

Each piece  first was made with cardboard.  The cardboard was then used as a template. Working with the curvature of the hull and not any square corners for a point of reference, this is the only way to be absolutely certain the wood panels would fit properly.

Zak Jatkowski helped me finish up the benches the following weekend.

The next work day is Saturday March 19th at 0900-1600

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tamarack work day update 1/29/2011

Mr. Ratinaud and crew of Cadets managed to have the engine running for 30 Minutes. (see video below)

After 30 minutes the engine slowly came to a stop.  It was discovered during our trial run the heads cracked.  Mr. Ratinaud will evaluate the engine and start to remove the heads during the next work day.

The cabin floor stringers are being put in place using white oak.  We original were using red oak and maple from some old pallets.  It was decided that we should spend the $80.00 on White Oak. White oak tolerates wet area's better and will take longer to rot.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tamarack Work Update - Jan 15 2011

It was a great day with many accomplishments and surprises. Our first surprise was Brian and Lauren Greaves. Their father commissioned the "Tamarack" in 1968. They spent the winter of 1969 building the interior in their front yard.

We started off the day with a short meeting outlining our work agenda for the day.  The Greaves are showed above to the right.

Mr. Ratinaud instructing Cadets Ratinaud and Colegrove on the engine.

Chief Petty Officer Mantay, Cadet Shield and Nathan Dembeck discuss the floor layout in the cabin


Cadets Ratinaud and Colegrove examine the fuel pump.

Cadet Shield and Zak Jatkwoski cut wood for the floor boards

Instructor Allen discusses the layout of the floor boards.

Maiden voyage 1969 -Courtesy of the Greaves

Later during the afternoon we were surprised again when George Perrin and Friend Gary Norton stopped by to share their stories of rebuilding the "Tamarack" in 1993. With Georges help we where able to get the engine started.
Before and after pictures when George Perrin restored the "Tamarack